• Lee Precision Reloading Stand

    • Sturdy powder coated steel stand
    • Three-leg design
    • Assures absolute stability regardless of the floor condition
    • Customizable
  • Lee .38 Special Carbide 3-Die Set


    Lee .38 Special Carbide 3-Die Set The Lee .38 Special Pistol 3-Die Set includes Carbide Full Length Sizing Die, Bullet Seating Die, Powder Thru Expanding Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data. This is a great set of reloading dies for any reloader looking for a set of dies that will produce accurate ammunition for…

  • Lee 30 to 32 Calibre Bullet Feeder Kit


    Lee 30 to 32 Calibre Bullet Feeder Kit The Lee 30 to 32 Calibre Bullet Feeder Kit automatically feeds bullets into the mouth of the seating die. Aligns bullets more accurately than possible by hand. Increases the cyclic rate by 50 to 100%. Designed to fit the Pro 1000 and Load-Master Presses only. This is used…

  • Lee 45 Calibre Bullet Feeder Kit


    Lee 45 Calibre Bullet Feeder Kit The Lee 45 Calibre Bullet Feeder Kit automatically feeds bullets into the mouth of the seating die. Aligns bullets more accurately than possible by hand. Increases the cyclic rate by 50 to 100%. Designed to fit the Pro 1000 and Load-Master Presses only. This is used for 45 calibre bullets,…

  • Lee Charging Die Kit

    • Works with cases .860 to 2.620 inches long
    • Lee Short and Long Charging Dies are included
    • Works the same as the pistol Powder Through Expanding Die
  • Lee Hardness Test Kit

    Lee Hardness Test Kit


    Lee Hardness Test Kit The Lee Lead Hardness Test Kit is a component for your reloading equipment. It offers a quick and easy way to determine the exact Brinnell Hardness Number of an alloy. It will save you time and components by ensuring you dont work with the wrong alloy. FEATURES Determines the exact Brinnell…